Guidelines for Publication
The Journal of Rehabilitation is published quarterly as a publication of the National Rehabilitation Association. Its content reflects the broad perspectives of the Association's membership.
Articles are written by professionals in the field of rehabilitation, and are peer-reviewed. They should present, describe, and discuss rehabilitation concepts and related research that impact the disability and rehabilitation communities.
Manuscripts are acknowledged upon receipt and, following preliminary review by the editor, are sent to members of the Editorial Review Boards for anonymous review. Each manuscript should contain a separate cover sheet with) the manuscript title, the authors' names, their degrees, affiliations and complete mailing addresses, phone numbers and email address for contact person. An abstract of approximately 100 words should appear on page two providing a brief summary of content. The first page of the text should contain only the title, with the author's name(s) omitted.
Upon review, manuscripts are either accepted, rejected, or returned for revision. he review process takes approximately three to five months to complete. Accepted articles are published in order of receipt.
Manuscript Submission Requirements
Manuscripts should be original work not currently being considered by any other publishing source.
Manuscripts must be submitted via email in Microsoft Word Document.
Submissions should be sent as an attachment to the attention of Dr. Wendy Parent-Johnson, University of Arizona and should be emailed to:
In Review
Reviews of pertinent books, audiovisual materials and computer software are published in each issue. Reviews should be 1-4 pages in length and should include authors' names, publisher, year of publica
tion, length (in pages), minutes or software requirements, and list price. Publishers interested in hav ing materials reviewed, and persons interested in reviewing materials, should contact the Editor.
Stylistic Requirements
All submissions should follow the style requirements of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association-7th Edition. Authors should maintain the integrity of people with disabilities by avoiding language that equates people with their conditions, e.g. "the mentally ill''. They should instead employ terminology which emphasizes the individual, e.g. "people with mental illness:'
Submissions which do not adhere to these guidelines will be returned .
For further information regarding the Journal pub lishing process, contact:
Wendy Parent-Johnson, Ph.D., CRC, CESP Professor and Executive Director
Sonoran UCEDD
Department of Family
Community Medicine
University of Arizona
College of Medicine 1521 E.
elen St.
Box 210155
H |
Tucson, A
Fax: 520.626.0081
Manuscripts must be submitted via email in Microsoft Word Document.
In Review