Download PDF Version 2021-stragegic plan


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The National Rehabilitation Association 

2021 Strategic Plan 

Goal 1: Viability of the NRA Website 

Objective: Strengthen and increase function and accessibility of the NRA website to better serve members, chapters, divisions, and NRA’s mission. 


1. Ensure a fully accessible website (compliant with the ADAA). 

2. Ensure the website is user friendly and has a marketable look to attract visitors to our site. 

3. Allow for sponsorships, advertising, etc. 

4. Power statements and bulleted points to make sure the website has marketability and ties in cooperatively with the social media platforms we utilize. 

5. Calendar to post training sessions and events for divisions, chapters, etc.
6. Utilize social media to facilitate weekly contact from NRA to the membership (i.e. talking points, calendar of events, meeting minutes, etc.). 

Goal 2: Increase NRA’s Financial Stability 

Objective: Evaluate the structure of the NRA for effectiveness and financial stability. Strategies: 

1. Evaluate NRA’s fund-cost line items in budget to determine viability of the NRA (i.e., current money out for services, collaborations, website development, etc.).
2. An analysis will be completed evaluating rebates owed to active state chapters.
3. Develop and a report provided to the Finance Committee with recommendations made to the Executive Committee/Board.
4. Audits need to be conducted as outlined in the bylaws (yearly, etc.).  

Goal 3: Increase and Strengthen Membership 

Objective: Increase and sustain membership across all membership categories of the association. 


1. Create and maintain a standing Membership Committee with a built-in mentoring pathway. 

2. Ensure membership receives reminders to renew (Facebook, website, Emails, etc.
3. Establish incentives or rewards for being members or helping to recruit members.
4. Create outreach approaches to engage with members without chapters.
5. Develop surveys to past-presidents, NRA Board, Regions, Divisions, Chapters, 

and General Membership to assess the needs of the organization, while remaining focused on our goals.

Goal 4: Improve Upon Professional Development Opportunities to NRA Members and Non-Members Throughout the Year. 

Objective: Develop and host several professional development opportunities that will be available to members and non-members of the NRA. This will include hosting the Annual National Rehabilitation Association Conference and Legislative Summit virtually. Strategies: 

1. Establish a committee that will identify needs and interests in professional development training as identified by members. 

2. Coordinate with and/or share regional and local training sessions with members.
3. Work to create a structure to support professional development throughout the association. 

4. Develop and host webinars for members/non members to purchase and attend.
5. Establish what platform we will use and start offering training sessions and posts.
6. Design partnership tracks for those interested in donating and/or supporting the NRA financially. 

7. Create communications (i.e. handouts, brochures, digital marketing campaigns, etc.) to increase awareness of and diversify partnerships. 

Goal 5: NRA Leadership and Mentoring 

Objective: Evaluate and enhance training to members and non-members to make the NRA a premier training provider. 


1. Execute membership calls with regions, division, and chapter leadership to discuss strategies and innovative solutions to continue to improve and sustain membership.

2. Utilize chapter, region, and division leadership to remind and recruit. 

3. Develop leadership so they can provide support and mentoring. Job descriptions need to be updated and shared on the website and as part of the nomination process, so candidates have realistic expectations. 

4. Update board member handbook, new board member training/mentoring program.
5. Standing committees for Membership, Finance, Social Media, and Constitution and Bylaws. 
6. Staff members assigned to each committee Membership Chair: membership, Accountant: finance, CAO: Website and social media, Office Manager: 

Constitution & Bylaws. 

7. Establish national, regional, division, and chapter past presidents’ advisory council/committee to tie us to the past, build for the future, and provide support to the organization.

Goal 6: Increase Collaborative Efforts and Alliances 

Objective: Identify and Improve on Collaboration with partners 


1. Seek opportunities to collaborate as well as better understand what other organizations are engaged in. 

2. Appoint one board member to report on the activities of partners.