Fairbairn Award Nominations Sought

The Margaret E. Fairbairn Award is presented annually by NRAJPD to recognize one individual’s outstanding accomplishments and distinguished service in job placement to persons with disabilities.  This is our opportunity to recognize excellence in rehabilitation.

The Award will be presented at the NRA Annual Training Conference (October 13, 2018 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma)

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Be an NRAJPD member in good standing

  2. Have knowledge of the limitations imposed by various disabilities.

  3. Have demonstrated the development and use of the techniques designed to minimize limitations which capitalize on employment assets.

  4. Have demonstrated an understanding of labor market trends specifically in relation to physical demands and working conditions.

  5. Have demonstrated knowledge of, and provided information about the rehabilitation process and placement in particular to employers and to the public.

  6. Have demonstrated positive community relations and support through involvement in the placement process.

  7. Have implemented effective follow-along and follow-up services to employers and employees.

Procedure for Nominations:

Sponsors should submit nominations in narrative form along with supporting statements from persons with disabilities, their employers, or individuals and/or organizations who have knowledge of the nominee’s accomplishments and contributions to the field of job placement.  Note: Nominators need not be members of NRA or NRAJPD

Please submit name of candidate and supporting documents postmarked no later than September 15, 2018

Paul J. Barnes Att. Vocational Rehabilitation, 100 West Towne Ridge Parkway, Sandy, UT 84070 Fax: 385-351-8266 Phone: 801-842-6452

Please send any supporting documentation/attachments for nominations to Paul Barnes Email: pbarnes@wcf.com

JPD Fairbairn Award Nomination Form        2018 JPD Research Award Nomination