NRAJPD Research Award Nomination Form

On a separate page, briefly provide relevant information about the nominee’s education (institution and degree) significant work history, professional honors, and/or recognition and memberships, especially office held and committee assignments within NRAJPD.  A resume or professional vitae may be substituted for this page if desired.

Fairbairn Award Nominations Sought


The Margaret E. Fairbairn Award is presented annually by NRAJPD to recognize one individual’s outstanding accomplishments and distinguished service in job placement to persons with disabilities.  This is our opportunity to recognize excellence in rehabilitation.

The Award will be presented over a Virtual Awards Ceremony, (date TBA)

Sponsors should submit nominations in narrative form along with supporting statements from persons with disabilities, their employers, or individuals and/or organizations who have knowledge of the nominee’s accomplishments and contributions to the field of job placement.  Note: Nominators need not be members of NRA or NRAJPD

Please submit name of candidate and supporting documents no later than November 14, 2020

Fairbairn Award Nomination Form